Saturday, January 31, 2009

She's a Pearl of a Girl

Pearl, the kitten who graces my blog header, is my gorgeous little long-haired dilute calico Manx and the daughter of Peek-A-Boo. She was born in a box of truck parts at the sewer cleaning company where I used to work. She is the most beautiful kitty ever, and she knows it. In fact, when you tell her she's the most beautiful kitty in the world, she answers with her sweet little "mew" as if to say "I know."

Her nicknames are "Pearlie Bunnybum" (self-explanatory) and "Pearlie Baglicker" because she loves to lick those plastic bags from the grocery store.

Pearl is built like a little race car, with back legs slightly longer than front legs. This causes her to run like a rabbit - two front legs and then two back legs. It is the funniest thing to see. Every once in a while she "escapes" out the side door when I'm hanging laundry and takes off bouncing through the yard with me chasing after her, screaming, "Bunny, get back here." Then she goes and hides underneath the barberry bush, which is covered with thorns, where she knows I can't get to her. Or she runs up the stairs to the kitchen porch, and when I follow her, she jumps off the other end and goes back behind the barberry bush. Me running after and screaming like a crazy woman the whole time. I'm sure it's all very entertaining for my neighbors.

Pearl is 7 years old and a joy to have around. She is a true diva, expecting to be treated like the princess that she is. Don't worry, Pearlie, we won't tell anybody you were born in a box of parts for the sewer-cleaning trucks.


  1. I've had a few bag lickers myself!

  2. I recently adopted a kitten that has the most unusual markings i've ever seen in a cat. Today I was trying to figure out what she would be called, as she has calico-like markings, but the colors are much more feint, being a smokey gray and a very light tan. I googled "long haired dilute calico", and was directed to your page. Sure enough, she looks very similar to your Pearl. Interestingly enough, we have also noticed that our kitty, Ru, has longer hind legs as well, and does the same "bunny run". It is very intriguing that our cats would be so similar. I have included a picture of her with her littermates, she is the little grey on in the front.

    Thank you for posting about your cat!

  3. Thneen:

    Thank you for writing! Your kitten and her littermates are absolutely beautiful! She does look a lot like my Pearlie. Pearl is now 8 years old and still as gorgeous as ever. Enjoy your kitties!


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