Sunday, October 19, 2014

Benjamin Bellybutton

 Benjamin Bellybutton and his brother Bodhi were rescued from the Cats of Cal U colony in the Spring of 2010, when they were about 6 weeks old. They are now 4 years old, and Benjamin is the bigger of the two. He is huge! And he is so cuddly, I call him "Benjie the Love Bug." He is particularly enamored of this stuffed Siamese cat, which is his "Lovey." He sleeps with her every day, and today I found him on top of her like this. He will also knead her when he's sleepy.

When I go to bed, Benjie gets in bed right beside me and purrs like crazy. If I don't pet him enough because I'm reading, he lets me know by grabbing my hand and placing it on his head.

Benjie is joined here by (clockwise from top) Pookie, Reese, Sweet Pea, and Atticus on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

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