Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goodbye to a Dear Friend

I have not written in a long time.... so much going on at work and have been busy with my Etsy shop.

The last kitty I wrote about was my fat Siamese Kafka. Sadly, Kafka became ill a few months ago and lost a ton of weight. The vet said kidney failure and put him on some meds and subq fluids. This is Kafka getting his IV. He would sit in the bay window and be so patient while he got his fluids. He never fought me or struggled, he knew it was helping him. He was doing good, but one day I noticed he was jaundiced and took him right to the vet, and the vet said "I think it's time." So I had to say goodbye to my boy, such a sweet boy. I think he was only about 4 years old. Now he has joined Domino, Prudence, Timmy, Boo Boo, and company at the Rainbow Bridge. I will see you again someday, Kafka.

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