Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Too Many Goodbyes, and a Couple Hellos

Last year was a rough year. After Kafka went to the Rainbow Bridge in April, Pearlie Bunnybum (my little cover girl) became ill and went across in September. She was 11 years old. Then, Holden joined his friends on the other side in December. He was also 11 years old. These were both very tough for me, as I had had them both since they were babies and their illnesses were very brief. Pearl had liver failure and Holden had kidney failure.

As a result, I have taken a long hiatus from writing about my furbabies. But Kathy from the Witty Itty Bitty Kitty Committee ( has pretty much shamed me into picking up where I left off. Thank you Kathy! You gave me the shove that I needed. I miss all of my lost babies so much, but I know they had the best lives possible and would not have had a life at all if not for me, their rescuer. So I find great comfort in that.
This is my newest little girl, Sabrina, who was rescued from the feral colony at the university where I work, and she joins fellow feral rescues Benjamin Bellybutton, Bodhi, Goldie, Fritz, and Pixie. Sabrina has the colorpoint gene but is spotted, similar to a Snowshoe cat. She is mostly white, with light brown marks that have stripes, and her tail is seal, as well as the spot on her nose and outlines of her ears. Her mama is a tuxedo and her brothers and sister are tuxedoes and a tortie. She is 3 months old and very playful. At night, she suckles on TC, who is a boy but looks like her mama. He loves kittens so he is fine with the suckling. He just rolls over on his back and lets her have at it. I think these two will be besties like Domino and Peek-A-Boo were. Poor Peekie never liked any of the other cats, and since Dommie passed, she has stayed in the dining room with Crystal and won't have anything to do with the other cats. She and Dommie were inseparable.
This is Laurel. She joined the family last summer when I went to a yard sale in the Laurel Mountains and this couple had about 30 kittens on their front porch, all of them about 8 weeks old. I wanted to take them all! But I picked one, and she has been a good little cat. She's fully grown now, but small like Peek-A-Boo. She is best friends with my Chihuahua, Cha Cha. Cha Cha thinks kittens are her toys and drags them around by their ears. I keep warning her that the kitties will soon be bigger than she is and she will get her ass kicked, but she doesn't listen. Luckily the kittens don't seem to mind too much.


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